I’m Brian Hopkins – pastor here at Mt Freedom.
Thank you for your interest in our fellowship. We are a family devoted to worship of our LORD and Savior Jesus, serving our community in His holy Name, and sharing the Good News of His Gospel.
We trust in God’s Holy Spirit to guide us and empower us in the Gospel mission to which He has called us, and I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us in that calling.
No doubt, you’re wondering what to expect when you visit Mt Freedom. I encourage you to come just as you are. We have no formal dress code. I think you’ll discover that we at Mt Freedom are a thriving family who will enthusiastically and lovingly invite you into our fold just as our LORD Jesus does.
Our Sunday morning worship includes a mix of contemporary worship music and traditional favorites. After our time of worship, prayer, and praises, you can trust that the brief Gospel sermons shared are always squarely focused on God’s Word – the Bible.
During the time of preaching the younger children gather separately for a short Bible lesson and discussion, followed by a fun activity designed to reinforce the Biblical principles they just learned. This allows the children to hear the Gospel message in a form geared to their ages and frees the adults to consider aspects of the Gospel and our Christian lives that the younger children might not be able to grasp. For infants and toddlers, nursery care is available. Rest assured that the safety and wellbeing of our children is always our foremost concern.
We have several “Sunday School” groups who meet in the hour before our Sunday Morning services to study God’s Word and discuss it together, sharing each other’s insights and life experiences. I feel sure that one of these will be just right for you. On Sunday evenings we gather for a time of prayer and in-depth Bible study and discussion.
On our church website, you’ll find detailed information about our service times, location, contact information, mission, values, beliefs, history, staff, past sermons, and other resources.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I will look forward to meeting you in person soon.