Book: 2 Corinthians
October 6, 2024
Series: Spiritual Warfare
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: The Whole Armor
Book: 1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Hebrews, John, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
The full armor of God! Paul, in Ephesians 6 informs us about the armor we GET to put on each day.
September 1, 2024
Series: Spiritual Warfare
Our ultimate antagonist is none other than Satan himself. He is God’s number one enemy and therefore makes him our number one enemy. If we are in a spiritual war where each day has the potential to bring us a new and different battle, then we must do some things… read more
March 17, 2024
Series: Matthew 2023-24
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Book: 1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, 2 Corinthians, Matthew, Psalms
Service Type: Sunday Evening
February 18, 2024
Series: Committed
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Commitment, Followership
Book: 1 Kings, 2 Corinthians, Joshua
Service Type: Sunday Worship
This is the first message in a series designed to challenge us as we consider whether or not we are truly “committed” to Jesus Christ. In a similar manner to Joshua’s challenge for his people, we too must decide whether we will follow the gods of our past, the gods… read more
January 28, 2024
Series: True Worship
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Worship
Book: 1 John, 2 Corinthians, 2 Timothy, Colossians, John, Psalms
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Are you ready and willing to commit and put in the necessary work required to become a daily worshiper of King Jesus? This message is designed to help us grow in our knowledge and our prayer life, with the hopes of becoming the Christian who worships God in “spirit and… read more
July 23, 2023
Series: Back to Basics
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: evangelism
Book: 1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, John, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Every believer understands the command by Jesus to “Go therefore and make disciples”, but very few strive to make evangelism part of their daily lives. When we allow our hearts to be in tune with our Savior’s, evangelism then becomes something which will flow from our mouths and our actions… read more
December 18, 2022
Series: Advent 2022
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: greatest Christmas gift
Book: 2 Corinthians
Service Type: Sunday Worship
His sacrifice is the greatest gift
November 27, 2022
Series: The Power of Thanks
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: generosity, gratitude
Book: 2 Corinthians
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Gratitude and generosity are linked