Book: Colossians
August 25, 2024
Series: Spiritual Warfare
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Evil Forces, Spiritual Attacks
Book: 1 Peter, Colossians, Ephesians, Psalms
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Every day that we are on this side of heaven, we are at war. Every day could mean that we will face a new attack from Satan or from one of the other evils in this world. We cannot escape it. What then must we do in response?
July 28, 2024
Series: Spiritual Growth
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: The Believer
Book: 1 Peter, Colossians, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
There are two areas of a believer’s life which show the world around them how serious they are about their relationship with Jesus. The first is the pursuit of personal holiness, followed by active participation in an authentic Jesus loving, Bible believing, Bible teaching, Bible practicing local church.
July 21, 2024
Series: Spiritual Growth
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: The Church
Book: 1 Corinthians, Acts, Colossians, Ephesians, Mark, Matthew
Service Type: Sunday Worship
“What is the church?” Most people respond with some reference to a building, but what would be a more succinct answer? The church is not a building but is instead THE PEOPLE who gather at a building for the sole purpose of worshipping God.
January 28, 2024
Series: True Worship
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Worship
Book: 1 John, 2 Corinthians, 2 Timothy, Colossians, John, Psalms
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Are you ready and willing to commit and put in the necessary work required to become a daily worshiper of King Jesus? This message is designed to help us grow in our knowledge and our prayer life, with the hopes of becoming the Christian who worships God in “spirit and… read more
January 21, 2024
Series: True Worship
Worship doesn’t have to be complex, loud, and showy, for it to be authentic. The things which motivate us lead us to true worship. When that worship is motivated by the love we have for God, the results are expressions of pure joy.
August 13, 2023
Series: Foundations for Growth
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: forgiveness, grace, Identity, Thanksgiving
Book: 1 John, Colossians, Ephesians
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Paul wants us to recognize how blessed we truly are as believers. Paul provides some foundational truths about our faith and works to help us understand how these truths can help us grow stronger as disciples of Jesus Christ. God has blessed us with our salvation through Jesus Christ. He… read more