Book: Galatians
August 4, 2024
Series: Spiritual Growth
What are my trees? Are they planted and being nurtured properly? Am I neglecting areas of my life and allowing those areas to be producers of bad fruit? Are there things in my life that grieve the Spirit of God? If so, and there are. How do I make corrections… read more
March 24, 2024
The plan for man’s salvation was established from the very beginning. Foretold through the prophets, fulfilled by Jesus during the events of Passion Week, and continually echoed today through the apostle’s writings. Let us never forget that Jesus was the plan from the beginning.
March 3, 2024
Series: Committed
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Living in Community
Book: Acts, Ecclesiastes, Galatians
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Both Old and New Testaments speak frequently about how people were designed and created to live in community. This foundational truth, found throughout Scripture, challenges us as followers of Christ to commit ourselves to living together for the purposes of providing support to one another, nurturing one another, and assisting… read more
July 16, 2023
Series: Sunday Nights
One of the basic considerations of our faith is that of working in cooperation with other followers of Christ. In the last thirty years, mainstream Christian denominational memberships have declined more than 20%. This should do more than just alarm us. It should motivate us into action. We have a… read more
July 2, 2023
Series: Back to Basics
Paul, in his letter to the church of Galatia lets us know; true freedom doesn’t come through putting self-first. Freedom comes when we have an authentic relationship with Jesus and through Him, we live to serve one another. It is our faith that frees us to follow the words of… read more