Book: Genesis
January 19, 2025
Series: Revive Us
This message reminds us that “all” human life is valuable to God. If the people of God truly desire “revival” in their life and in the life of their church, then God’s people must recognize how sacred life is. What must follow is love for God and love for “all”… read more
September 1, 2024
Series: Spiritual Warfare
Our ultimate antagonist is none other than Satan himself. He is God’s number one enemy and therefore makes him our number one enemy. If we are in a spiritual war where each day has the potential to bring us a new and different battle, then we must do some things… read more
July 14, 2024
Series: Spiritual Growth
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: The Gospel
Book: 1 John, 2 Thessalonians, Genesis, John
Service Type: Sunday Worship
The intent for this message is to remind you of a gift from God that is a gift that keeps on giving. It’s the single greatest gift you can receive and when applied daily is the single most impactful gift you’ll ever receive. Of course I’m referring to God’s gracious… read more
March 24, 2024
The plan for man’s salvation was established from the very beginning. Foretold through the prophets, fulfilled by Jesus during the events of Passion Week, and continually echoed today through the apostle’s writings. Let us never forget that Jesus was the plan from the beginning.
February 4, 2024
Series: True Worship
Messenger: Adam Hopkins
Service Type: Sunday Worship
November 12, 2023
Messenger: Adam Hopkins
Service Type: Sunday Worship
As Christ followers we must honestly examine our motivations for our service to the Gospel. If we find we are not following the Lord for the right reasons, we must confess this sin before God, and seek His strength and guidance to bring us back into truly godly fellowship.
July 11, 2023
Series: VBS
Messenger: Brian Hupp
Service Type: Vacation Bible School
This is a re-recording of the message shared with the adults at our 2023 VBS. Our children are continually beset by a lying attack from our great enemy Satan. As parents, we have a duty to defend our children against these attacks by providing them a solid foundation of Biblical… read more
June 18, 2023
Series: Special Sundays of Spring
Look around you sometime. Have you ever noticed how flawed we really are? I often find myself saying, “C’Mon Man!” more frequently than I should. Unfortunately, there is a devastating trend in the local church. Men are absent. Only 1/10 men who regularly attend church will serve as leaders in… read more
January 23, 2023
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: 2023, Sanctity of Life, Value of Life
Book: Genesis, Philippians, Psalms, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
All human life has intrinsic value from the moment of conception through all eternity. Our value comes not from society nor form our own sense of self-worth, but from our creator, to whom we belong.