Book: Philippians
August 18, 2024
Series: Matthew 2023-24
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Admonitions
Book: 1 Thessalonians, Matthew, Philippians, Revelation
Service Type: Sunday Evening
May 26, 2024
Series: Made for More
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: More Like Jesus
Book: Philippians, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
By the time we get to chapter 8 of Romans, we see that God has established a new purpose for those who choose to put their faith and trust in His Son as Savior and Lord.
February 25, 2024
Series: Committed
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Faithfulness, Service
Book: 1 Corinthians, Hebrews, Isaiah, Luke, Matthew, Philippians, Proverbs, Psalms
Service Type: Sunday Worship
A committed servant of Jesus must be available, humble, obedient, faithful, and enduring. The truth is, no matter our capacity, or our talents, or our giftedness, when it comes to the service opportunities appointed to us through Jesus, complete faithfulness is required.
December 24, 2023
God’s Word tells us that peacemakers are blessed. He also promises that He will give His peace that surpasses human understanding to those who live our lives for Christ. But we must always remember that His peace, and our abilities and opportunities to share that peace are gifts from God – not anything we should take our own pride in. Instead, we should rejoice that He has called us, and that He has rescued us out of death to write our names in His book of life.
December 10, 2023
Messenger: Adam Hopkins
Topic: adversity, Empowerment, forgiveness, joy of salvation, Persevere, Thankfulness
Book: Philippians
Service Type: Sunday Worship
The full context of Philippians 4 tells us that Christ strengthens us not to accomplish our own goals, but to live out our Christian calling with joy even in the midst of difficult challenges. This is extremely important because the unsaved people in the world will observe how professed Christ followers deal with adversity to discern whether we truly can “do all things through Christ.”
October 8, 2023
Messenger: Brian Hupp
Topic: justification, redemption, restoration, sanctification
Book: 1 John, Philippians
Service Type: Sunday Worship
By His sacrifice of His own life on the cross in our place, Jesus has redeemed us out of slavery to sin and the curse of death that sin brings with it. But our justification by the shed blood of Jesus is just the beginning of the process of sanctification through which God is perfecting us into the image of Jesus to make us ready for the culmination of His redemption of us unto eternal life. As we pass through His sanctification we will experience times of great triumph, but we will also go through periods of spiritual drought and outright rebellion against God – possibly even falling back into those same sins out of which Jesus first rescued us. In such times, our great enemy will attack us with lies – even causing us to question our salvation in Christ. But Jesus our Redeemer also stands ready in such times to be our great Restorer – bringing us back into fellowship and continuing His process of sanctification within our hearts by the power of His indwelling Spirit striving against the weaknesses of our fleshly selves.
July 16, 2023
Series: Back to Basics
Biblical illiteracy and lack of spiritual maturity is quickly becoming an alarming trend across Christian churches. God – since the moment He granted Adam dominion over the earth has always encouraged His children to pursue knowledge, understanding and wisdom. He did this because He knew how desperately we would need… read more
January 23, 2023
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: 2023, Sanctity of Life, Value of Life
Book: Genesis, Philippians, Psalms, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
All human life has intrinsic value from the moment of conception through all eternity. Our value comes not from society nor form our own sense of self-worth, but from our creator, to whom we belong.