Messenger: Randy Koon
Randy Koon

Messages by Randy Koon
December 8, 2024
Messenger: Randy Koon
Topic: faith without works, free will, God's sovereignty, in spirit and truth, in the world not of the world, jesus' divinity, jesus' humanity, salvation by faith alone, the narrow way, works
Book: Matthew
Service Type: Sunday Worship
When bidding each other farewell, truckers often say “Keep it between the ditches.” The same idea applies to our Christian lives. In following Christ, we need to navigate the narrow path between conflicting extremes that Jesus has mapped out for us. Thus He warns us that “the way is broad… read more
December 1, 2024
In His so-called “Great Commission” found in Matthew 28, Jesus calls us to go and make disciples. But to make disciples, we must first be disciples. What does being a disciple entail?
September 22, 2024
Series: Spiritual Warfare
When our brothers and sisters in Christ behave badly, it’s important for us to recognize that they are not the enemy. Our real enemy – Satan – sometimes uses people to accomplish his wicked purposes within the Church. We need to understand that, and beware of becoming a tool of… read more
February 4, 2024
Series: Matthew 2023-24
Messenger: Randy Koon
Topic: Church discipline, faith, forgiveness, lostness, sin
Book: Matthew
Service Type: Sunday Evening
Childlike faith, Warnings against sin, The lost sheep, Church discipline, and Forgiveness