Topic: grace
March 9, 2025
Series: God Is Relentless
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: grace, Jonah, mercy, Nineveh, repentance
Book: Jonah
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Recall from our previous study that the people of Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah, and that God therefore relented from the destruction of the city that Jonah had foretold in his brief prophetic message. Here in Jonah 4 we see that Jonah was highly displeased with the compassion God showed toward the Ninevites, forgetting the compassion God had shown to Jonah himself by rescuing him out of death through His sovereign provision of the great fish that swallowed and preserved him. God’s mercy upon Nineveh is not at all what Jonah expected, and he didn’t hesitate to tell God exactly how he felt about it.
March 2, 2025
Series: God Is Relentless
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: grace, Jonah, mercy, Nineveh, repentance
Book: Jonah
Service Type: Sunday Worship
In our study of Jonah so far, we have seen God’s relentlessness in His pursuit of Jonah when the so-called “Reluctant Prophet” tried to run away from God’s call for him to go to Nineveh. Then we saw God’s faithfulness in rescuing Jonah out of death, and Jonah’s gratitude for… read more
August 13, 2023
Series: Foundations for Growth
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: forgiveness, grace, Identity, Thanksgiving
Book: 1 John, Colossians, Ephesians
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Paul wants us to recognize how blessed we truly are as believers. Paul provides some foundational truths about our faith and works to help us understand how these truths can help us grow stronger as disciples of Jesus Christ. God has blessed us with our salvation through Jesus Christ. He… read more
September 4, 2022
Series: The Psalms
Messenger: Brian Hupp
Topic: forgiveness, grace, repentance, sin
Book: Psalms
Service Type: Sunday Worship
All of us are wretched sinners – even King David who was called a “man after God’s own heart” yet was a wicked adulterer and murderer. Nevertheless, God is willing and able to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness as David himself wrote in Psalm 51 – his beautiful prayer of repentance.