Topic: discipleship
January 19, 2025
Series: The Twelve
The Twelve apostles of Jesus were not outstanding in any way, at least before they met Jesus. However, Jesus called these men personally. He knew all their flaws, faults, and apprehensions, yet He still chose them.
December 1, 2024
In His so-called “Great Commission” found in Matthew 28, Jesus calls us to go and make disciples. But to make disciples, we must first be disciples. What does being a disciple entail?
August 6, 2023
Series: Foundations for Growth
This message begins a new series focused on Paul’s epistle to the churches surrounding Ephesus. It’s no secret that Christians are called to be different. We are to be “new” and not hold on to the “old”. In Ephesians Paul teaches what it’s truly like to be different. We live… read more
March 5, 2023
Series: A Gospel Primer for Christians
Messenger: Carol DeCesare
Topic: discipleship, evangelism
Book: 1 Corinthians, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Christians need to hear the Good News just as much as unbelievers do. We need to remind ourselves daily of the salvation we have in Christ, remembering what our Savior sacrificed in order for us to possess eternal life. Consequently, we need to preach the Gospel to ourselves in daily preparation for meeting the challenge to preach it to the lost we encounter in our day-to-day lives.