Topic: Love
August 20, 2023
Series: Real Love
Messenger: Brian Hupp
Service Type: Sunday Worship
On the night He was betrayed to die on the cross in our place so that we might be forgiven of our sins and restored into fellowship with God, Jesus gave His disciples “a new commandment” that we love one another, saying that people would recognize that we are His disciples through the love we exhibit for one another. But exactly how do we show this love that Jesus has commanded for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul tells us that our love for one another must be genuine, and gives some concise characteristics of this love in Romans 12:9-17.
February 28, 2023
Series: Real Love
It’s no secret that as we put our faith in God, we are commanded to love Him first and foremost. From there, we are to also love “one another” in the same manner as Christ loves us. But how do we do this? God’s Word is filled with practical ways… read more
February 22, 2023
Series: Real Love
The world around us will know that we belong to Jesus through the way we love them. The words of Jesus found in John 13:34 are not words of impossibility but are words of encouragement to go and walk in his ways rather than our own. It is an invitation… read more
February 22, 2023
Series: Real Love
God did not simply tell us that He loves us. Instead, he used an action, not an emotion, or a feeling, or a fleeting sentiment, but a sacrificial act on the cross. Your access to God’s love and to His eternal Kingdom rests on your decision to accept Jesus and the power of His reconciliation.
February 5, 2023
Series: Real Love
We live in a world where the true meaning of love has been distorted. Mankind has taken a gift from God, which He intended as special and meaningful, and turned it into something manufactured and artificial. Love by the standards of our world has been reduced to something pleasing to… read more