
God, the Word, and man

June 25, 2023

Series: Back to Basics

Topic: God, Man, the Bible

Book: Psalms

Service Type: Sunday Worship

Message Type: Sermon

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Psalm 19 is one of the greatest theological writings in all the Bible. In this poem, King David did a phenomenal job communicating about how awesome our Creator truly is. His words draw us to a place where all of creation can be better understood. David also informs us, that as much as God uses creation to reveal Himself to us, it is His Word, where even more is revealed. As we’ll discover in his closing prayer, King David’s intention was not to be perfect, but rather to stand before God as one who sought purity of heart and blamelessness. His desire was to avoid the things which displeased God. We can work towards this if we trust God and His Word.