
HOLY, By God’s Design

July 2, 2023

Series: Sunday Nights

Topic: Holiness

Book: 1 Peter

Service Type: Sunday Evening

Message Type: Sermon

HOLY, By God’s Design
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Holy is the way God is. To say that He is holy means he doesn’t conform to a standard but is instead, THE STANDARD! 1 Peter 1:13-17 expresses a non-negotiable call to holiness, which involves a change of heart and in turn a change in life. To be more holy doesn’t mean that a person cannot sin. Instead, it means a person must, through the power of the Holy Spirit, choose not to sin. Holiness is a deliberate choice to seek wholeness in the world. We must remove old habits and develop new ones. When a person understands the truth about Biblical Holiness, it becomes the most desirable possibility in all human experiences.