Is There Truly a New You?
Is There Truly a New You?
Series: Foundations for Growth
Topic: Attitude, discipleship, Salvation
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Scriptures: Ezekiel 36:26-27, John 3:1-15, Ephesians 4:17-32
This message begins a new series focused on Paul’s epistle to the churches surrounding Ephesus. It’s no secret that Christians are called to be different. We are to be “new” and not hold on to the “old”. In Ephesians Paul teaches what it’s truly like to be different. We live in a world of rapid moral decline. Therefore, as followers of Jesus Christ, we must train ourselves to function differently than the world. We must learn to fully commit to living a surrendered life and allow the power of God’s Spirit to help us walk in God’s ways and not our own.