Blue Letter Bible

Bible study tools including a large variety of Bible translations, interlinear Hebrew and Greek references, Bible commentaries, maps, timelines, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, etc.

One Story That Leads to Jesus

A 358-day Bible reading plan from The Bible Project that includes animated videos on selected days.

Daily in the Word 365

A one-year Bible reading plan for the YouVersion app from Faith Baptist Church in Canoga Park, CA.

Truth For Life Daily Devotional

A daily devotional message with scripture references from Pastor Alistair Begg.

In Touch Ministries Daily Devotional

A daily devotional message from In Touch Ministries.

Charles Spurgeon – Morning and Evening

A twice-daily devotional message by Charles Spurgeon provided by Blue Letter Bible

Monthly Scripture Writing Guide

I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11 [ESV]

Writing a text out by hand is a well-known aid to memorization. This monthly Scripture Writing Guide from Bible Study Tools is a handy aid for us to hide God’s Word in our hearts.

Mt. Freedom Baptist Church Constitution & Bylaws

The MFBC Constitution and By-laws make reference to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Baptist Faith and Message Document which can be found on the SBC’s website – here.

Sunday Paper

Mt Freedom Baptist church monthly bulletin.
