Topic: Bartholomew
March 9, 2025
Series: The Twelve
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: apostles, Bartholomew, Nathanael
Book: John
Service Type: Sunday Evening
The name Nathanael isn’t found in the Biblical listings of Jesus’ twelve chosen apostles. Most likely, Nathanael was the given name of Bartholomew – son (Aramaic “bar”) of Tolmai. From the story of his calling we find in John 1:43-51, we can safely infer that Nathanael was a close friend of Philip. From that story, we also learn that Nathanael was from Cana in Galilee where Jesus transformed the water into wine – the first miracle Jesus performed during His earthly ministry. Nathanael was also present with six other disciples of Jesus at the Sea of Galilee on the day Jesus took Peter aside to restore him after his denial on the night Jesus was betrayed.