Book: Romans
August 20, 2023
Series: Real Love
Messenger: Brian Hupp
Service Type: Sunday Worship
On the night He was betrayed to die on the cross in our place so that we might be forgiven of our sins and restored into fellowship with God, Jesus gave His disciples “a new commandment” that we love one another, saying that people would recognize that we are His disciples through the love we exhibit for one another. But exactly how do we show this love that Jesus has commanded for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul tells us that our love for one another must be genuine, and gives some concise characteristics of this love in Romans 12:9-17.
July 30, 2023
Series: Back to Basics
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Baptism, The LORD's supper
Book: 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Luke, Matthew, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
None of us are perfect and all of us need God’s power to help us make it in this world. The holy ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are two of the greatest gifts given to us directly from Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Baptism allows the believer the… read more
July 23, 2023
Series: Back to Basics
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: evangelism
Book: 1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, John, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Every believer understands the command by Jesus to “Go therefore and make disciples”, but very few strive to make evangelism part of their daily lives. When we allow our hearts to be in tune with our Savior’s, evangelism then becomes something which will flow from our mouths and our actions… read more
July 9, 2023
Series: Sunday Nights
We need to look at salvation and what it really means for the person who chooses God over self. Our salvation has more to do with Him than it does with who we are. Yes, we are special and the greatest of His creation, but our salvation demonstrates the mercy… read more
June 25, 2023
Series: Sunday Nights
When we pause to consider the condition of the world we live in, it’s extremely difficult to envision the things of this world as being part of God’s Kingdom. Our only hope is that people will put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. In the meantime,… read more
April 16, 2023
Series: Easter 2023
It’s safe to say that no one is immune to moments of fear, or doubt, or frustration, or weariness, or fatigue. When Jesus was arrested and eventually crucified on the cross, His followers fell apart and briefly struggled with His departure from their lives. They were frightened, discouraged, defeated, confused,… read more
March 5, 2023
Series: A Gospel Primer for Christians
Messenger: Carol DeCesare
Topic: discipleship, evangelism
Book: 1 Corinthians, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Christians need to hear the Good News just as much as unbelievers do. We need to remind ourselves daily of the salvation we have in Christ, remembering what our Savior sacrificed in order for us to possess eternal life. Consequently, we need to preach the Gospel to ourselves in daily preparation for meeting the challenge to preach it to the lost we encounter in our day-to-day lives.
January 23, 2023
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: 2023, Sanctity of Life, Value of Life
Book: Genesis, Philippians, Psalms, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
All human life has intrinsic value from the moment of conception through all eternity. Our value comes not from society nor form our own sense of self-worth, but from our creator, to whom we belong.