Book: John
January 28, 2024
Series: True Worship
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: Worship
Book: 1 John, 2 Corinthians, 2 Timothy, Colossians, John, Psalms
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Are you ready and willing to commit and put in the necessary work required to become a daily worshiper of King Jesus? This message is designed to help us grow in our knowledge and our prayer life, with the hopes of becoming the Christian who worships God in “spirit and… read more
January 14, 2024
Series: True Worship
December 3, 2023
Messenger: Adam Hopkins
Topic: born again, Nicodemus, spiritual rebirth
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Many people aren’t aware that the often quoted John 3:16 is part of a nighttime conversation between Jesus and one of the Jewish leaders of that time – Nicodemus. Nicodemus didn’t understand what Jesus meant when He said we must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus gently explained His meaning using an example from the Old Testament with which Nicodemus was very familiar – the story of God’s command to Moses to make a bronze serpent and hang it upon a pole so that any Israelite who looked upon it would be healed of the deadly venom after they were bitten by the snakes that God had brought into the Israelite’s midst following their complaints against Moses and against God. Jesus told Nicodemus that just as the Israelites had been healed from the poison of the snakes, all mankind would be healed from the poison of our sin when Jesus was lifted up (on the cross).
Nicodemus finally understood and believed, but it was only the beginning of his journey of faith. He remained a secret believer until he actually saw Jesus lifted up on the cross. After Jesus died, Nicodemus and his fellow Jewish leader Joseph of Arimathea performed the Jewish rites of burial for Jesus’ body.
November 12, 2023
Messenger: Adam Hopkins
Service Type: Sunday Worship
As Christ followers we must honestly examine our motivations for our service to the Gospel. If we find we are not following the Lord for the right reasons, we must confess this sin before God, and seek His strength and guidance to bring us back into truly godly fellowship.
October 15, 2023
Messenger: Adam Hopkins
Topic: faith, miracles, Resurrection
Book: John
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Only Jesus can do the signs and wonders that He has done and still continues to do. But He also uses His children to do our part in accomplishing His works through those things we can do by faith and obedience to His will.
August 20, 2023
Series: Real Love
Messenger: Brian Hupp
Service Type: Sunday Worship
On the night He was betrayed to die on the cross in our place so that we might be forgiven of our sins and restored into fellowship with God, Jesus gave His disciples “a new commandment” that we love one another, saying that people would recognize that we are His disciples through the love we exhibit for one another. But exactly how do we show this love that Jesus has commanded for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul tells us that our love for one another must be genuine, and gives some concise characteristics of this love in Romans 12:9-17.
August 6, 2023
Series: Foundations for Growth
This message begins a new series focused on Paul’s epistle to the churches surrounding Ephesus. It’s no secret that Christians are called to be different. We are to be “new” and not hold on to the “old”. In Ephesians Paul teaches what it’s truly like to be different. We live… read more
July 23, 2023
Series: Back to Basics
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: evangelism
Book: 1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, John, Romans
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Every believer understands the command by Jesus to “Go therefore and make disciples”, but very few strive to make evangelism part of their daily lives. When we allow our hearts to be in tune with our Savior’s, evangelism then becomes something which will flow from our mouths and our actions… read more
July 11, 2023
Series: VBS
Messenger: Brian Hupp
Service Type: Vacation Bible School
This is a re-recording of the message shared with the adults at our 2023 VBS. Our children are continually beset by a lying attack from our great enemy Satan. As parents, we have a duty to defend our children against these attacks by providing them a solid foundation of Biblical… read more