
What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple?

December 1, 2024

Book: Luke

Service Type: Sunday Worship

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In His so-called “Great Commission” found in Matthew 28, Jesus calls us to go and make disciples. But to make disciples, we must first be disciples. What does being a disciple entail?

  1. We must desire to be like Jesus. That means we must humble ourselves as He did – becoming servants to those around us.
  2. We must deny ourselves. As confessing believers and followers of Jesus, we have chosen to surrender our lives entirely to Him – obeying His calling on our lives whatever it might be.
  3. Jesus calls us in Luke 9:23 to take up our cross daily. What does He mean? Certainly following Jesus’ calling may involve suffering. After all, Jesus Himself said that the servant isn’t greater than the master. But taking up our cross daily really means committing ourselves to the specific missions Jesus assigns us each and every day.
  4. We must follow Jesus’ own example. When Jesus came to us in human form, He lived an exemplary life wholly free of sin despite being subject to the same temptations we are. As His disciples, we must devote ourselves to conforming to Jesus’ own example for living our lives insofar as we are able by the power of His indwelling Spirit.