Topic: The Holy Spirit
May 19, 2024
Series: More Than Just a Name
Messenger: Brian Hopkins
Topic: The Holy Spirit
Book: Ephesians, John, Matthew, Revelation
Service Type: Sunday Worship
Today, more than ever in history, Christians need to understand the significance of the Holy Spirit’s presence in their heart. Once understood, the believer will begin to truly experience, not just His presence, but also His powerful work. There is nothing more reassuring and peaceful in life than experiencing the… read more
March 30, 2023
Series: The Holy Spirit
There is nothing more special than to know and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is when we willingly obey the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives that God can use us for the purposes of His Kingdom. Our role includes a full… read more
March 22, 2023
Series: The Holy Spirit
So far in our series on The Holy Spirit, we have discovered that He is fully God and He is fulfilment of yet another promise from God to us. The fulfilment of that promise means that every true believer receives the gift of The Holy Spirit at their moment of… read more
March 14, 2023
Series: The Holy Spirit
We are blessed with a unique relationship with God’s Spirit. He is fully God and is an additional gift we receive at the moment of our genuine conversion. The Bible informs us that He, The Holy Spirit, comes to dwell in our hearts. He arrives and takes up a permanent… read more
March 6, 2023
Series: The Holy Spirit
Why do you think it is we fail to understand the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives? How is it that our helper, our comforter, our source for truth, our connection to Jesus, is so overlooked? Perhaps, it’s because we fail to embrace the gift, or we just… read more