Messenger: Brian Hupp
Brian Hupp
Brian and Sue Hupp are devoted Bible-believing Christians who desire to serve and honor our LORD Jesus Christ in everything we do as we anxiously await His soon return to rule and reign over all the Earth. Like many who came to know the Lord relatively late in life, Brian can be a bit of a zealot when it comes to his devotion to serving God’s Kingdom. Sue tolerates this characteristic for reasons known best to herself. Brian and Sue first met while assigned together in the US Air Force, and have been married for over 40 years. We are empty-nesters with two grown sons. Brian recently retired, from a 45+ year career in information systems. After living in many places in the USA and in Europe, we have finally settled down on a small huppstead on Lake Becky in Mountain Rest, South Carolina where we live with our three little dogs.

Messages by Brian Hupp
May 1, 2023
On the evening that He was betrayed to be crucified, Jesus commanded His disciples to love one another, saying that by the love we show to one another within our fellowships all the world will know that we are His disciples. The love Jesus commands us to offer one another… read more
January 29, 2023
Series: On Mission
All Christians must desire to do the will of God. We accomplish this by first seeking to find what God wishes to accomplish within our hearts, and then what He wishes to accomplish through us in the power of His spiritual gifts. Then we must commit to obeying God’s leading no matter what mission He sets before us. We must always be willing to take the first step in faith without knowing in full God’s plan for us.
September 4, 2022
Series: The Psalms
Messenger: Brian Hupp
Topic: forgiveness, grace, repentance, sin
Book: Psalms
Service Type: Sunday Worship
All of us are wretched sinners – even King David who was called a “man after God’s own heart” yet was a wicked adulterer and murderer. Nevertheless, God is willing and able to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness as David himself wrote in Psalm 51 – his beautiful prayer of repentance.